
Pokemon rejuvenation version 10 status thread
Pokemon rejuvenation version 10 status thread

pokemon rejuvenation version 10 status thread

There's a cave at the very top of Route 1 that leads to the Route 1 Peak, where you can find wild Crabrawler. To recruit him you need to give him four Pokesnax, because I wanted him to be a dick that wouldn't join your party just from doing it once. >Incidentally, the gym sign out front does nothingĬroagunk only appears on Route 2 on rainy days. Got the TMs for Work Up, Echoed Voice, Steel Wing, False Swipe, Brutal Swing, and U-Turn. Got the Gulpin, Makuhita, the invisible Kecleon, Mawile, Pidove, one of the two Dedenne (no idea where the second jumped off to), Spoink, Drampa, Skorupi, Pawniard, Rhyhorn, and a whole lot of wild encounters. So with Jops defeated, I have officially completed everything in the demo. They were just for the gym.Ĭastform certainly surprised me with that Thunder, but it only did ~35% to Raticate (EV'd attack and speed with some HP) so I guess it evens out.īut yeah, if you plan on implementing those IVs and EVs, then forget I said anything about Tanya's levels, that'll toughen her up plenty. My real main team includes Buddy and an Illumise instead of Mawile and Grumpig. Incidentally, the gym sign out front does nothing, I'd put some text there. I had gone into that gym thinking it was a pure Ice gym or an Ice/Rock combo, so I had to move some mons around. Buddy, Patron Saint of Knock Off and Martyrdom. I've got a big list of stuff to fix and stuff I'm going to add thanks to all of the feedback I've been getting, so I'll be looking forward to sharing the "good" copy of the game once it's ready. Comparing it to other people's teams, I'm seeing a bias toward Mawile and Raticate. Maybe it depends on the player's team going into it, but I guess it's easy to take advantage of its low bulk and low speed. >especially if a team slot is going to be spent on CastformĬastform is a weak mon but it has a field-boosted hail-boosted Weather Ball, and a perfect accuracy Thunder. She's gonna have 31 in each IV and 85 in each EV (or maybe 252 Speed and the rest of the IVs equally distributed elsewhere), so the player can still take advantage of being able to minmax with their vitamins but they're mostly going to be on the same playing field as the leader. Right now her mons have something like 10 in each IV and ~40 in each EV. I haven't actually implemented the IVs and EVs for her mons, so she'll end up being a lot tougher. >Though I had more competition from Tanya's minions than the Leader herself. You might be able to find it again if you just leave and re-enter the area since it hasn't despawned. It does remove itself if you lose to it, and you get a cute cutscene if you feel like resetting for it. I forgot to have the event remove itself when you catch it. >After catching the Mawile, its field sprite remains and starts moonwalking into the abyss Thanks for checking it out and giving me the feedback. >I can't believe you'd ever be so modest about this, I'm loving your work so far.Īppreciated. I could make that line of dialogue a bit more clear. The "gift" he's referring to is the stairway to the Mawile event, since he's making the lazy hikers build it for you. >The foreman back at the start of the route claims he gives you an item after defeating the lazy hiker Just setting wilds and trainers to have no battle theme will cause the overworld theme to restart every time you exit battle, which sucks because of how often wilds and trainers appear. Getting the music just right causes a lot of unfortunate mixups: I have to manually script the field music to override all other music every time you enter an area. >Trainer battle music did not kick in until the climax fight Will try and get that patched up in time for episode 2.

#Pokemon rejuvenation version 10 status thread how to

Unintentional but don't honestly know how to fix. >going into the Bag menu and then backing out without using an item gives you the "items are banned" message, even during wild encounters The game is in a fairly completed state, with two routes, a tournament arc, and a gym being playable. I've added a few bugfixes since last time. !In4Gxa5J!dlUWUxgEhlHH1NkdaRBa2Q8-UzHvFe7fk2NZ3PQB_2U That's >/vp/injectionĪnd this isn't the thread for Farfetch'd fags. This isn't the thread for injecting, either. This isn't the thread for hacking your 3DS. /lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender.

Pokemon rejuvenation version 10 status thread